-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! A grave threat has been brought to our attention and it is asked that all heroes of the land be ready to take up arms against this terrible threat that may strike at any moment. If you wish to learn more about this, I am told that an envoy was sent to the feast to tell the tale to those in attendance.
*a half hour passes*
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! Reports are coming in that Stoneybrook suffered a grave attack. Many innocent people were killed and the damage was significant.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! Follow up reports confirm suspicions that Stoneybrook was destroyed by a Conqueror Wurm and an army of Nec-Bathat's followers.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The wurm was seen burrowing into the ground and its army taking off on foot. An investigation is underway to find out where it is heading so that this unholy army can be confronted and put down before many more innocent lives are lost.
*minutes later*
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! It has been reported that the small hamlet of Ashberry, located north of Stoneybrook, has also been destroyed.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! It has now been confirmed that the Conqueror Wurm was once against responsible and has since moved on from that location. Fortunately a mage, in service to a special order of mages, managed to stumble upon the army while searching for possible locations the Conqueror Wurm would strike next. Although she was killed, it is said she managed to cast a tracking spell on the wurm which will allow her order to track the beast and determine where he is headed in advance. They are now viewing him with their magical orbs and should be able to alert us to where he is headed shortly.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The mages have informed us that the wurm is headed to the elven village of Raukos Nwalya, located near the edge of the Almien forest. They implore you to head there with all haste as it is expected that he an his army will already be in the middle of searching the village before the nearest heroes can get there.
*the battle wages on*
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! Bad news! The Conqueror Wurm has burrowed underground and the bulk of his army has taken off as well. The mages are once again tracking him in hopes of trying to pinpoint the next village he plans to attack.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The mages believe the great wurm is headed for Bilyn's Town, located near the bridge south of Noir. Once again, please hurry with all haste lest you wish to get there after the wurm has already ravaged the place and moved on.
*the battle wages on**
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The great wurm and its army has continued on once more!
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! It's believed the wurm is headed for Claverack, located Northwest of Noir.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! Scratch that. The mages believe the wurm is instead headed for the shoreside hamlet of Fallwick, located east of Toys in the Attic.
*the battle wages on*
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The great wurm and its army has left Fallwick.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The Wurm is on its way to the Orc infested Town currently known as Orc's Rock! It's located just north of Toys in the Attic and northwest of Fallwick.
*the battle wages on*
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! It looked like the band of heroes were about to defeat the wurm this time around, but it once again has burrowed into the ground and taken off!
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The wurm is headed to Blackwynne, located southeast of the Temple of Life, next! Hurry brave heroes!
*the battle wages on*
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! Moral is low as the wurm once again vanishes by burrowing into the ground.
-Town Crier shouts: Oh my dear! Oh my dear! The mages have reported that the wurm and its army are now headed for Alaria! Quick! Quick! This beast must be stopped before its too late for Alaria and its many citizens!
-Town Crier breathes a sigh of relief and shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The mages appear to have been mistaken. The wurm was actually headed to Shadowham, located by the sea, just north of Alaria.
*the battle wages on*
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The wurm has escaped death once more.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The mages report that it is on the move eastward, but aren't sure where it is headed as of yet.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! The wurm's army has been spotted moving along King's Road, but still no confirmation as to were they or the wurm are headed.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! We have word! The wurm is almost at Hawthorne. It is a little known village, hidden deep in the mountains west of Blackrose. It can only be accessed through a series of caves under the mountains. The entrance to said caves is located south of Blackrose's main gate.
-Town Crier shouts: Hear ye! Hear ye! Reports indicate that the bulk of the wurm's army have set up camp in the caves leading to Hawthorne so as to slow down any attempts at approaching the village.
*the battle wages on*
-From as far away as Alaria and the great feast, a bright blue light can be seen shimmering on the mountains where Hawthorne is located. The light appears to be a series of blue rays that originate from Hawthorne.
-You stare upon the light in amazement and wonder what it going on there just as a loud boom echoes down through the land.
-In Hawthorne, the band of heroes fall back as a great beast of a thing appears before them...Nec-bathat...She's....here...They found the relic. No!
-Tears well up in the eyes of many of those who risked their lives to trying to stop her from returning as they look upon the horrifying sight that is Nec-bathat, demon goddess of death. This cannot be how it ends, they think...It just can't be.
-And with that thought, the battered and tired heroes seem to gather every bit of energy and courage they have left within them, for they move forward in unison and prepare to die trying to stop this demi-god from realizing its dreams of complete and utter destruction. Although the effort seems futile, none seem to care as they shrug off the pain from the multiple bloody wounds, that cover their bodies, and charge at the she-demon.
-Town Crier shouts: antithigram led the battle in vanquishing Conqueror Wurm!
*the ultimate battle takes place*
-Town Crier shouts: patriarch led the battle in vanquishing Nec-Bathat!
-After a long, hard battle, the final blow is inflicted onto Nec-bathat, causing her physical body to collapse onto the ground. You can hear a long, high-pitched wail as her immortal spirit is sent back to the Abyss where her body can be reformed. Although she has been defeated this day, the threat of Nec-bathat looms on forever more.
-Town Crier shouts: I...I don't believe it. None of us do. Nec-bathat has been vanquished! The land is safe!
-Throughout the land, cheers go up for the brave heroes who fought and died this day. Chatter takes place about erecting a monument to them and someone suggests later dragging the heroic statue from the feast, all the way to Hawthorne. Cries of; "Great idea!" ensue.
-Suddenly a bright flash of red light is seen falling from the heavens onto Hawthorne. Those there are startled to see a Phoenix, as bright and beautiful as the sun itself.
-A series of loud voices speak at once: Well done, people of Wyvern. Nec-bathat knows better than to try to directly strike out at mortals in such a fashion. As a demi-god she is not normally restricted to being stuck in the Abyss after a defeat here, in the prime material plane. But as punishment, we have once again made sure she is banished for a hundred of your years. At which point we will evaluate if she has learned her lesson.
-You realize that the voices were actually many of the goodly gods and so you bow your heads in reverence to their glory and continued kindness. After a fashion, you look up to gaze upon the phoenix once more. It was sent to channel their voices to you and, knowing that, you smile at the phoenix...nay the symbol of hope that majestically poses before you.
-As an afterthought a small group think to search for the relic, but it is nowhere to be found. One can only hope the gods took it for safekeeping. You try to convince yourself that that is the most likely scenario, but a feeling of dread fills your body anyway.