Disclaimer: Although I realize some of my comments may sound mean spirited, I hold no ill will toward anyone who submitted an idea. I was simply trying to add some humor while explaining why it was a bad idea and after stupidly deciding to do so many at once I quickly ran out of funny replies (note: I actually wrote all parts at once, but after realizing how long it was I decided to break it up into a series of blog entries). I also, certainly, do not mean to discourage anyone from submitting ideas in the future. At best, I hope only that you will try to make better ideas that make more sense and do not fall into common trappings. Finally, I want to make it absolutely clear that I do this only because the idea log was publicly posted on the homepage by Rhialto. I certainly would never make public anything out of a private log and so before you start yelling at me for replying to your idea, please keep that in mind.
Ideas That Aren't Quite Ideas
2004-03-04 02:34:06: Z [village/newbie_house4 7 10]
Arilou's reply: Hey to you too.
2003-06-19 13:13:10: J [wiz/arilou/amita/village 28 14]I love the detail when you get drunk, keep up the awesome work!
Arilou's reply: Well thank you... I think. But do tell, what part of the 'idea' command sounded like the 'compliments' command to you?
2004-01-17 16:45:58: M [wiz/murlana/GPCity 19 7]
most castles are closed. Why?
Arilou's reply: Why do you think?
2004-06-01 21:28:51: D [wiz/arilou/amita/merchant3_1 14 9]
The "magic mirror" in Tyveris's house in Amita isn't quite magical.
Arilou's reply: I take it this was meant to be a bug. In any case, how do you know the mirror isn't magical? Let me guess, you weren't able to do anything with it? But how, for example, do you know that Tyveris didn't have a secret word that would cause gold to flow out of it whenever he spoke it?
2003-08-31 11:18:04: N [wiz/arilou/amita/enterorc 13 8]
how bout they get rid o these shout points...who's with me on this
Arilou's reply: It's a log, not a forum. Nobody can join you with shouts of; "Yeah, let's do it!" when you type something here. You could've, at least, tried to phrase your complaint in the form of an idea, but maybe you thought that 'idea' equaled 'shout'.
2003-08-29 19:11:38: F [wiz/raeden/burashaan/Bura_Shaan 13 27]
arilou shouldn't prosecute me for spammin for sayin 2 things
2003-08-29 19:37:03: F [wiz/raeden/burashaan/High_Mountains_3 18 5]
saying something twice will not be spamming
Arilou's reply: The game prevents you from saying the same thing twice for a reason. If it wanted you to say the same thing twice, it would let you do so and then stop after the third attempt. Instead you had to add a period or something at the end of your sentence to get around that. You don't see the problem with that? Btw, giving a verbal warning or a 5 minute silence, at the absolute worst, (unless it happened over and over again) is not "prosecution" (nor is it PERsecution, but I digress).
2003-09-26 22:16:47: H [minath/city/city 32 38]
Arilou's reply: I love you too and I agree, I should be banished for following the wizard rules and moderating the game like Rhialto wants.
Note: We don't banish people for spamming one time. This person would've had to have been doing it repeatedly despite silences and other actions taken against them or they would've had to have been spamming seriously offensive language/quest information/you get the idea.
2004-05-08 00:37:42: R [wiz/arilou/amita/house5 0 7]
nagas are terribly weak at level 1...compared to raks
Arilou's reply: Okay, thanks for that little tidbit... I think. *slowly edges toward the recycling bin*
2004-02-04 16:39:11: L [wiz/kupior/maps/newbie/grove1/grove2 11 12]
make it so if ur over 5 levels of a person in the pkguild u can hurt them (not just don't get pkpoints)
Arilou's reply: This fellow actually ended up spamming the idea log like doing so would make us any more capable of understanding what he's going on about.
2003-04-15 23:22:38: S [wiz/janica/naga/cathedral 4 16]
this drowning thing is really annoying me
Arilou's reply: That's nice... want an apple?
2003-12-15 14:55:19: D [wiz/arilou/mini/dino/deinonychus 5 12]
Arilou's new area was my idea.....me and Galdor were working on it and they did it!Now i didn't even get included so i think i should atleast be on the sign or something..........Them wizards can't even think of there own ideas!
Arilou's reply: I take it he wanted to be a wizard since he was working on maps, in which case it's odd that he wouldn't get the concept of the idea log being for ideas, but I assume he was acting out of anger and not thinking. He ended up emailing Rhialto as well and eventually calmed down when it was explained to him (by Rhialto) that dinosaurs were an unoriginal idea that were in the documents for Wyvern since the very beginning and that I had been working on it for about six months (it was a real pain to try to get the graphics I needed from everyone and I ended up settling with a product that was less than I envisioned because it was better to just get it up). Anyway, I had originally been attempting to keep it a secret as I didn't want it getting to players since I knew I would be bothered with questions concerning when I would finish it and I also knew that it would be awhile. Thus, not all the wizards knew about it which lead to him (apparently) thinking that Galdor told me of his dinosaur idea and the two of us stole this grand concept. It's kind of gotten old, but at the time I found this one rather amusing.
Next time on Logged Ideas of Wyvern we will be airing Act Two; "Ideas That Speak for Themselves." It's a thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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