klodin says: 4
klodin says: ummm
patriarch says: 2 legolas and rhialto
snarfer growls: 2 Arilou, and Teshuvah
crier says: 3 Kupior, Legolas Rhialto
heqet says: 2 rhialto legolas
tyranos says: say legolas and rhialto
zevran says: legolas rhialto
veldin says: 3, teshavuah, arilou and binyamin
randorxeous says: 3 lego, rhialto and kupior
dermatolith says: 7- sleepy, dopey, doc, bashful...
klodin says: 4 Rhialto, Teshuvah, Kiz and Caius
snarfer growls: 1 Legolas
tyranos says: say legolas and rhialto 2
firexr says: 3, rhialto, legoles, ad kiz
rifkas says: 2. Legolas and Rhialto
tyranos says: say legolas and rhialto 2 tesh biny
veldin says: 3, teshavuah, arilou and rhailato
tyranos says: say legolas and rhialto 2 readen
tyranos says: say legolas and rhialto 3 readen
patriarch says: 3 kiz, legolas, and rhialto
snarfer growls: 2 Legolas, and Kupior
tyranos says: say legolas and rhialto 3 tesh
zevran says: 4 legolas rhialto kiz janica
heqet says: 3 kiz, kupior, legolas
tyranos says: say legolas and rhialto 4 biny tesh
veldin says: 3, teshavah, arilou and legolas
klodin says: Janica's a elder
crier says: Kix, Tesh, Lego, 3?
steovanni says: 3
snarfer growls: 2 Legolas, and Kiz
klodin says: the 4th is someone who starts with C i think
crier says: kiz*
heqet says: 2 legoloas, kiz
patriarch says: 1, legolas
tyranos says: me
steovanni says: tesh arilou
randorxeous says: 5 lego, rhialto, chirs, and others?
klodin says: there are 4 >.<
You say: It's 4, yes...Now who are they?
perceptor says: 3 Cloud Strife, Sephiroth and Johnny Cash
steovanni says: 4
veldin says: 4, teshavah, arilou, janica, binaymin
klodin says: Rhialto, Teshuvah, Kiz and C......
crier says: Tesh, Lego, Arilou, Ciaus
steovanni says: tesh lego arilou cauis
beckhan says: rhialto legolas benyamin and teshuvah
rifkas says: 4. Teshuvah, Binyamin, Arilou, Lego
snarfer growls: 4 Legolas, Kiz, Janica, and Ciaus.
patriarch says: 3 lego, ciaus, and R
klodin says: Rhialto, Teshuvah, Kiz and Ciaus?
raffy says: Rhialto Legolas Galdor Kiz
rifkas says: 4. Teshuvah, Rhialto, Arilou, Lego
klodin says: arilou's not arhc
patriarch says: 5 kiz, caius, rhialto, janica, and legolas
snarfer growls: 4 Legolas Kiz Rhialto and Ciaus
randorxeous says: 5 lefo, R, kiz, janica and ciaus?
steovanni says: rhialto legolas kiz cauis
veldin says: 4, teshavah, arilou, janica, legolas
beckhan says: rhialto legolas kiz and teshuvah
perceptor says: Legolas, Kiz, Teshuvah, Ciaus
zevran says: legolas kiz caius rhialto
tyranos says: rhialto legolas zifa claus 4
And my all time favorite: patriarch says: 4 kupoir, legolas, rhialto, and kupoir Gotta Love those Kupior twins. :)
People ask how many arch wizards there are and who they are all the time and I'm constantly answering that question. Knowing this, I thought it would be a breeze, but apparently not. First of all, how do you seriously answer the question without including Rhialto in it by default? Even if you don't know all of them, he's obvious. Secondly, I was visible - Anyone who typed wizards could've seen I was an Elder and not an Arch Wizard, yet my name kept coming up. Third, Kupior? Seriously? That name was thrown out way too many times. How so many people could confuse a full wizard with an arch wizard I do not know. Janica...Okay. Raeden...Okay. Teshuvah, come on, she's around all the time...Okay though. But Kupior? Silly players.
It went on like this for awhile, but this was the most comical. Other gems included seriously mixing up when wizards were first promoted, (which is no big deal in and of itself, but the level at which they mixed them up was classic) not knowing that Thrain originally made the Mist Temple (that should be common knowledge) and responding that Legolas and Rhialto were elders to a question asking players to list all our Elder Wizards ("then says: arilou, teshuvah, rhialto, legolas, binyamin"). Surprisingly, though, everyone knew Teshuvah was afraid of Spiders - After asking that question my screen filled with "spider! spider! spider...." Which, of course, made me happy as I exist to make sure everyone knows this.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share my amusement. More blogging about the feast will be done over the next few days. Which will include a full run down of the main lq for anyone who missed it and lots of screenshots!
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